






We have started school! For the first meal of the new semester, the school carefully prepared a 1.2 meters long, 0.4 meters wide fruit cake, to give the children a sweet big surprise, to start the happy first day of school!

As early as the sixth day of the New Year, the principal’s team has started the online and offline work mode, discussing the new semester adjustment, new initiatives of the reform, planning for the new chapter of the innovative development of the new semester, and closely carrying out the preparation of the new semester’s key work plan for each school division and department.



On February 19, more than twenty experienced teachers from countries like China, the United States, Singapore etc., famous universities at home and abroad such as Tsinghua University, Fudan University, University of Toronto etc. officially joined MKBS! The school prepared a one-day new staff training program for them to get a comprehensive understanding of the school philosophy, curriculum, teaching, culture, environment, team, matters, management system, requirements, etc., to help them quickly integrate into the MKBS family!




On the morning of February 20, the school held a mobilization meeting for the whole school staff. At the meeting, the Chief Principle Ren Guofang firstly reviewed the first semester of work using “Follow the Trend to Seek Innovation and Make Comprehensive Adjustment for Development” as the theme, affirming the gratifying achievements school has made during the first semester.

Looking forward to the new semester, Principal Ren said that the school is  still in the early stages of development and has a long way to go. 2024 is the year of deepening education reform, and the Suzhou Municipal Education Bureau proposes to promote the action of expanding the quality of basic education, and MKBS needs to continue to “promote efficient management with a sound system, enhance high-quality development through innovative practices” and to fulfill the mission of “empowering every student through education” put forward by the Mountain Education Group.



In the new semester, MKBS will continue to build a 15-year system for cultivating outstanding and innovative talents, accelerate the development and construction of school-based courses such as comprehensive humanities courses, traditional sinology courses, mathematics in life, English enhancement, bilingual courses, international articulation courses, science courses and physical and art courses, increase the recruitment of outstanding teachers, continue the implementation of the policy of uncapped salaries for outstanding teachers, and strengthen the incentive system for the existing outstanding teachers, in an effort to build a highly qualified teaching force of MKBS. At the same time, MKBS will study, develop and implement new measures for curriculum and teaching reform, plan new strategies, programs and actions, use new thinking to solve new problems, continue to work hard and make continuous improvements, and climb the mountain of high-quality educational development.




After the meeting, all the faculty and staff acted quickly and worked together to welcome the sixty-some new students and all the returned students back to school with full enthusiasm to start the new semester.

The kindergarten kids took a happy step and couldn’t wait to enter the classroom to participate in the wonderful games carefully planned by the teachers to start a fun new semester life. Primary school children returned to the theater, and sat next to their new friends, with smile on thier faces, immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the beginning of the new semester. The International and Domestic High Schools took the lead in the “Grand Theater” to fire the opening salvo, and more than 40 students were honored for their efforts and achievements in different aspects, which inspired every student present to meet new challenges and make new efforts in the new semester!



MKBS 开学典礼

Opening ceremony of MKBS



In the new semester, the students of MKBS showed a thriving new outlook, setting sail in the sea of knowledge and looking forward to healthy and happy growth.

In the new semester, MKBS will carry forward the spirit of Dragon Horse and climb the mountain of high quality education development again. Looking forward, MKBS will present educational wisdom and create new heights for the overall development of students!


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